PlanIT Geo™ Press Release
TreePlotter™ Community Engagement MapFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Engage and Educate Your Community with TreePlotter™ Newest Core Feature
ARVADA (August 15, 2021) PlanIT Geo™ is excited to be releasing the Community Engagement Map, the newest core feature of the TreePlotter software suite. This lightweight website instantly displays the tree data in your TreePlotter application, updating in real-time. Currently available with TreePlotter INVENTORY, the Community Engagement Map provides each client with a simple, public-friendly version of their INVENTORY application that can be accessed as an embedded map on a live website or as a stand-alone web page.
The Community Engagement Map is a configurable and cost-effective way to provide your stakeholders with a way to interact and digest the tree data within your TreePlotter application; a standard feature for all new TreePlotter INVENTORY applications, design your Community Engagement
Map to highlight urban forestry programs and initiatives, engage the public by using it as a citizens science tool, or share the trees on a project site with clients and community members.
Members of the urban forestry industry who could benefit from the Community Engagement Map include city and state agencies, homeowner associations, campuses and universities, and private tree care businesses.
To learn more about the Community Engagement Map and the TreePlotter INVENTORY, visit our website at
PlanIT Geo™ is a geospatial technology and software firm specializing in urban forestry and is a leader in GIS-based tree inventory, risk assessments, maintenance recommendations, valuations, and mitigation reports. Since 2012, PlanIT Geo’s team of certified ISA arborists has completed more than 100 urban tree inventory projects across the country, totaling over 700,000 trees. We also created the industry-leading TreePlotter™ software suite, which is used by professionals and volunteers across the world to complete and interact with tree inventory data