Tree Inventory: Project Summary

Iowa City, IA, USA


Project Type: Tree Inventory, Software, i-Tree Canopy Assessment, and Urban Forest Management Plan

Date: December 2016 to September 2017

Description: PlanIT Geo™ was contracted to set up a customized TreePlotter™ software application and conduct a tree inventory of 50,000 park, street, and trail trees. Collection and analysis of the tree inventory data, reporting was available on species diversity, urban forest health, and composition. an i-Tree Canopy Study/Assessment, and data-driven Management Plan were developed. The final software application will contain Work Order Management module so the city can manage work orders and service requests while tracking maintenance history on its trees. The TreePlotter application contains 50,000+ trees and allows the city to run Ash (Fraxinus) removal and treatment cost scenarios. The i-Canopy assessment yielded a city-wide canopy cover of 33%.

TreePlotter™ INVENTORY

The City of Iowa City utilized TreePlotter™ INVENTORY to effectively and clearly communicate the findings with their community. Citizens and stakeholders can easily access the individual tree data such as name, address, eco-benefits, and a street view image. 

The Landing Page provides quick facts as well as links to the Urban Forest Management Plan, Iowa Pests website, and other important resources. 

Key Insights

Number of Trees

Top Species: Silver Maple

Largest Tree: Cottonwood

Urban Forest Benefits

Stormwater Runoff Reduction

56.3 million gallons  |  $1.5 million in savings

Carbon Sequestration

22.4 million lbs. stored  |  13.2 million lbs. sequestered  |  $168K value

Air Quality

78K lbs. of pollutants removed  |  $223K value

Energy Savings

6 million KWH  |  $460K in savings

Property Value

$986K increase in value



The benefits of the city-managed trees equates to $4.2 Million in annual savings