Tree Inventory Lakeville, Minnesota

Tree Inventory and Statistical Sampling


Project Type: Tree Inventory and Statistical Sampling

Client: City of Lakeville, Minnesota

Date: September – December 2017

Description: In phase one of this project, PlanIT Geo’s Certified Arborists conducted a comprehensive tree inventory for Lakeville’s Parks and Trails. They surveyed and assessed health and maintenance needs for over 5,000 trees, with 20% composed of Ash species (Fraxinus sp).

In the second phase, sample surveys were conducted on the city street rights of way (ROW) and private property; all sampling was done according to the Journal of Arboriculture’s Statistical Method for the Accurate and Rapid Sampling of Urban Street Tree Population and the Community Engagement: Tree Inventory Manual from the Minnesota Department of Forest Resources as requested from the city. In the ROW 2,300 trees were sampled and over 6,000 on private property; private property analysis yielded 8% Ash (Fraxinus species) composition.

Key Insights

R.O.W. of Trees

Private Property Trees

Ash (Fraxinus species)