Case Study: TreePlotter and API Integrations with CRM

Transform Your Urban Forest Management: The Manningham Council Success Story

Manningham Council, like many local governments, faced the challenge of efficiently managing their urban forest while ensuring high levels of customer service.


By implementing TreePlotter™ and integrating it with their Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, they achieved significant improvements in efficiency, productivity, and community satisfaction.

The Challenges
Before adopting TreePlotter, Manningham Council relied on manual, paper-based processes for tree inspections and maintenance. This led to:

  • Inefficient Data Management: Manual data entry and updates caused delays and increased the risk of errors.
  • Poor Visibility: Lack of real-time updates made it difficult to prioritize and manage service requests effectively.
  • Subpar Customer Service: Slow response times to resident inquiries and concerns due to the cumbersome nature of their old system.


The Solution: TreePlotter and CRM Integration
Manningham Council chose TreePlotter for its robust features and the ability to integrate seamlessly with their existing CRM system. Here’s how this integration transformed their operations:

  • Automated Service Requests: No more manual data entry, ensuring prompt issue addressing.
  • Real-Time Updates: Two-way API integration keeps all stakeholders informed.
  • Enhanced Visibility and Prioritization: Centralized data for efficient task management.
  • Improved Productivity: Field staff complete tasks 30% faster.
  • Superior Customer Service: Quicker response times and better communication

Don’t let outdated systems hold you back. Download the case study to learn how to transform your operations with TreePlotter and API integrations today.


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