Urban Forest Management Plan

Kettering, OH

Kettering is a community that recognizes its trees as one of its most valuable resources and with this Urban Forest Management Plan, has dedicated itself to the preservation, proper maintenance, and continued enhancement of the urban forest. The trees throughout Kettering are an asset that brings value and benefits to the community. The urban forest provides environmental benefits, adds to property values, and contributes to an enhanced quality of life for all of Kettering’s residents. Implementation of this Urban Forest Management Plan is a tremendous opportunity to bolster the City as a whole.

Unfortunately, the trees comprising the urban forest in Kettering suffer from the rigors of urban life, including pests and diseases, the current and changing climate, air pollution, compacted soils, limited growing spaces, and limited resources. To overcome such rigorous conditions for the City’s trees and reap the benefits of these, our most valuable assets, the care of the urban forest must be strategically and efficiently planned and cared for.

This Urban Forest Management Plan seeks to secure adequate tree management levels and garner the enabling support through staffing, funding, the community, and policy. Adequate tree management includes efficient and effective tree care, bolstered tree plantings to maintain age and species diversity in the public tree population, the equitable preservation and enhancement of canopy coverage Citywide to enhance the character and aesthetics of neighborhoods, and exemplary stewardship of the forest from all who live and work in Kettering. The Urban Forest Management Plan must be regarded as both a long-range policy guide and a living document that will respond to changing conditions over its life. It requires a close partnership between policymakers, staff, and the community. Adoption of this Community Forest Management Plan enables the City to accomplish these objectives.

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Access the Urban Forest Management Plan

Urban Forest Management Plan Kettering, Ohio


Most Common Species


Annual Benefits Per Tree


Live Street Trees