Urban Tree Canopy Assessment: Project Summary

Renton, WA, USA

Renton’s urban forest is a valuable asset that provides residents and visitors with many ecological, environmental, and community benefits. This assessment analyzed the City’s urban tree canopy (UTC), possible planting area (PPA), and change in UTC over a 7-year period (aerial imagery from 2010-2017). The results provide an updated baseline to develop and refine strategies to protect and expand Renton’s trees and natural areas during planning and development. The maps and project report help to concentrate efforts in areas where needs are greatest, tree planting space is available, and benefits can be realized.


Key Insights

Total Study Area Acres

Acres of Plantable Space

Tree Canopy 2017

Tree canopy data were analyzed for Renton’s city land use categories to determine the distribution of existing and potential urban tree canopy throughout the city. Residential Low Density areas had the highest canopy coverage at 47%, and they contained 38% of all canopy and 25% of all plantable space in the city. Commercial Mixed Use areas had the lowest UTC (14%) while Residential Medium Density areas contained over one-third of all PPA in the city.


Read the Renton, Washington urban tree canopy assessment project summary from PlanIT Geo